Creature Creations 1
Creature Creations 2
Creature Creations 3

Photo Direction, POP, Illustration, Email, Mobile App, Website

Mermaid CC
Monster CC
Unicorn CC

A beacon of positivity during a challenging year: Creature Creation Sundaes. Launched amidst the Summer of Covid 2020, these sundaes provided a compelling incentive for customers to visit our stores and indulge in a uniquely crafted treat. Each sundae cup serves features one of three enchanting characters—Unicorn, Mermaid, and Monster—transcending their magical realms to grace Baskin-Robbins shops.

Each of the character portals above was a separate die-cut window cling in-store. They were also featured in all the standard digital channels as well (email, website and mobile app). For the customers that came in-store, there was an additional treat, a matching character crown. This was a value add that really paid off. The sundaes were a huge success and the crown had to be reprinted 3 times that summer. Even a pandemic couldn’t stop this campaign.

Character Crowns
CC Email